INSTRUCTIONS: Change numbers, e.g. use different Under-Reported Factor (URF), or use the number of reports for specific event such as death, to get a better insight
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal.
The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk.
...this is not medicine. This is not care. These [COVID] policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.
As this [Spike] protein circulates, it damages organs, it damages endothelial cells, blood cells, causes blood clotting.
It is beyond astonishing that there has been an injection of a substance into half of Americans' bodies and there's yet to be a report to America on safety. How in the world can we take the sponsors of the program, the FDA, the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna, and let them be in charge of safety? And even worse, how can we let them not ever produce a safety report? We never do a safety press briefing, nothing.
I was in on a lot of tactical calls for our center...and the calls went something like this: 'Where do we get enough masks to protect ourselves, where do we get enough hazmat suits to protect ourselves, how do we get people on the ventilator early so we can cap off the air so the virus doesn't spray all over the place. Let's put the patients on the ventilators early'."
This can't be about COVID at this stage... It's about 'some type of totalitarian takeover that's occurred all over the world. Something very dark is going on.
Sadly, we have over 20,000 Americans that the CDC tells us are permanently disabled after the vaccine. That's bigger than some major cancer groups. The disability that we are going to see, due to these vaccines, will go down in history as an unbelievable atrocity.
Swine flu (vaccine) in 1976, 25 deaths - they shut down the program, it's not safe [currently there are 60000 reported deaths]
Vaccines are a horrendous bioweapon, causing more harm... All those thousands of Americans that have died because of vaccines in database I think they are real... They die on days 1, 2 and 3 after the vaccine... People worldwide should be extraordinary alarmed!
Stop mass vaccination (including boosters) as it puts more gas on the detrimental evolutionary dynamics of the virus.
Under no circumstances should young and healthy people be vaccinated as it will only erode their protective innate immunity towards Coronaviruses (CoV) and other respiratory viruses... Children/youngsters who get the disease mostly develop mild to moderate disease and as a result continue to contribute to herd immunity by developing broad and long-lived immunity.
Vaccination mandates are the worst and most irrational initiative ever, from both an individual and public health viewpoint.
The unforgivable sin! It cannot be that highly knowledgeable vaccinologists don't understand this clear-cut message. I can only shout at all of them, no matter their international reputation, the number of awards and recognitions they've gotten, the number of books they've written or high-ranked papers they've published in peer-reviewed journals: SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT STANDING UP!
The state has no right to require anyone to accept a medical procedure against their will. Therefore, medical procedure mandates are wrong. Whether vaccines or cliterectomy. Wrong. Not ethical. Not acceptable.
There is absolutely no scientific or medical justification for vaccinating children.
In short, Dr. Schirmacher performed autopsies on 40 people who had died within two weeks of receiving a Covid jab. Of those, 30%-40% could be directly attributed to the vaccines. He is calling for more autopsies of those who die shortly after getting injected to see if his numbers pan out. But Germany has thus far been reluctant to act.
After thousands of people have died following a COVID vaccine, where are the autopsies to investigate organ damage caused by the spike protein?
Since January 1, in the laboratory, I'm seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis. I'm not exaggerating at all because I look at my numbers year over year... Explaining his findings at the March 18 event, Cole told that the vaccines seem to be causing serious autoimmune issues, in a way he described as a "reverse HIV" response.
It's alarming... People need to stop denying that there's something bad going on in terms of the adverse events associated with these products... These products are causing a large majority of these adverse effects.
There's an over 1,000 percent increase in the total number of adverse events just for 2021 and we are not done with 2021... In my opinion [the risks] outweigh any potential benefits... with these products, especially in children.
Conclusion: Use early treatment, stop injection roll-out until safety and efficacy can properly be assesed, develop treatment options for the injection-injured.
Conclusion: Increase in reporting is not due to an increased number of vaccination or due to "stimulated reporting".
The reporting rate for deaths following COVID-19 vaccines is nearly 40 times higher than the reporting rate for all vaccines combined from 2010-2020.
1. Return to basic principles of public health2. Apologize for the biggest public health fiasco in history3. Rebuild public trust
12 Forgotten Principles of Public Health #1 Public health is about all health outcomes, not just a single disease like #COVID19. It is important to also consider harms from public health measures. #8 A case is only a case if a person is sick. Mass testing asymptomatic individuals is harmful to public health. #9 Public health is about trust. To gain the trust of the public, public health officials and the media must be honest and trust the public. Shaming and fear should never be used in a pandemic.
[Apr 29, 2020] Since COVID-19 operates in a highly age specific manner, mandated counter measures must also be age specific. If not, lives will be unnecessarily lost.
For ~2500 years we've known about natural immunity. It is stronger & longer-lasting than if you have a vaccine. Hospitals should hire nurses/staff with natural immunity. And we are doing the opposite, they are being fired.
This concept that the vaccine-induced immunity is superior in any way to natural immunity is sheer nonsense. Anyone who says this should consult a first-year immunology textbook... We now know that these Covid vaccines that use the RNA or that use the adenovirus for delivery, the immunity does not last. Even with double booster shots in Israel we see that 90% of the people that are in hospital in Israel are double-vaccinated.
About 1 in 500 people who have been vaccinated have a very, very serious injury from the vaccine that may require hospitalization and can in fact kill them... The younger you are the more at risk you are for myocarditis. We're facing vaccinations of 5 to 12 year olds but it seems there are certain vaccine injuries that are more dramatic the younger you are, and myocarditis is one of them.
In SARS, a type of "priming" of the immune system was observed during animal studies of SARS spike protein-based vaccines leading to increased morbidity and mortality in vaccinated animals who were subsequently exposed to wild SARS virus.
The reality is that public health has failed miserably and irreversibly. 54% of Americans under the age of 21 have chronic illness. They shipped a flawed test, failed to track and control COVID-19, and sent out messages burying early treatment which, as Dr. Pierre Kory has told me, is estimated to be responsible for as many as 85% of all the 4 millions deaths worldwide from COVID-19. In short, they are killing people.
Governments are forcing their citizens to take a medical treatment without their voluntary consent. They are aiding and abetting employers to force a medical treatment under the threat of unemployment or industry-wide unemployability. This is not only one of the greatest human rights violations of our time. It is one of the greatest human rights violations of ALL time.
Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs. That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections, is self-evident. Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines places lives under threat of illness and death. We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.
After treating 4000 COVID-19 patients with no deaths: I prescribed the FLCCC protocol for an elderly man with Acute COVID-19. The pharmacy refused to dispense because of FDA & CDC propaganda. Patient was hospitalized and died leaving a grieving widow. #DefundTheFDA #CancelTheCDC
Compares Nazi era with present day – "We're all Jews now" – and calls for "vermin" Gates and Fauci to be tried for war crimes including genocide.
It's a medical decision [vaccination] that should be left to the doctor and the patient, not forced on people by the state... There's no public health reason for a mandate."
In other words, for those with natural immunity, vaccination is not only unnecessary, but it would put them at enhanced risk of harm. Knowing this, nobody should ever mandate COVID-19 vaccination.
Given how other Corona viruses behave in human population, it is reasonable to assume that this novel Corona virus will also settle down to that endemic equilibrium with risk of infection in the vulnerable population is of the same level that we accept for all the other Corona viruses.
That is exactly how we live with other Corona viruses, so there will always be an increase in cases around winter and then they drop off again in the summer. This is also true of Influenza and the whole range of other respiratory infection's diseases. So, there are 4 other Corona viruses that we currently live with that all circulating in the human population.
Across this island and across the world there are millions of people who are awakening to the understanding that this current health crisis, this so-called 'pandemic', is a Trojan horse, which has been used to introduce a new era for humanity. The Great Reset, the 4th industrial revolution, building back better, whatever catchy, chirpy name the bankers and billionaires are calling it, is not good for you and me, for the ordinary people. Relationships between individuals, families, communities, governments and nations will change fundamentally. They are coming for you, your family, your jobs, your savings, your home, your pension, your culture, your positions, your freedom...your very way of life.
I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Collegiate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated. Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members' medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation, and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.
Viral myocarditis results in 2 in 10 people dead after 2 years and 5 in 10 after 5 years. It's not mild. It's dead heart muscle.
I have no doubt that COVID-19 is the greatest threat to humanity we have ever faced; not because of a virus; that is just one chapter of a much longer, more complex story; but because of our response to it.
We have arrived at the conclusion that this virus was created.
If people accept the COVID-19 vaccine, it will be a mistake because we risk having absolutely unpredictable effects: for example, cancers… We are playing the total sorcerer's apprentice… Man must not serve as a guinea pig, children must not serve as guinea pigs, it is absolutely unethical. There must not be deaths from vaccines.
The benefit is higher for homeschooling than vaccination and being in school.
When nurse practitioner, April Lopez became ill with COVID-19, she began taking Ivermectin. She felt better immediately and has now saved 2,400 of her own patients.
All three nursing homes served by Dr. John Sutton have experienced COVID-19 outbreaks. The first home experienced an outbreak before vaccines were widely available and before Ivermectin was even in the discussion. That nursing home experienced a 30% mortality rate among those who contracted the virus. By the time an outbreak occurred at the second nursing home, both Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies were known treatments and were provided to residents. Of 56 residents in that home, only one died from COVID. The thing that was different from the first nursing home was the monoclonal antibodies and the Ivermectin. When the third nursing home had an outbreak, a similar course of treatment was pursued. Out of 75 residents, only one died.
Dr. David Jayne, a board-certified family practitioner in Edmond, said he has prescribed Ivermectin for hundreds of patients with COVID and achieved "extremely high results." Of that total, he said only one patient was hospitalized and "no one on a ventilator, no one died." Those treated by Jayne have been as old as 93.
As a cardiologist, Dr. Dwayne Schmidt said primary care is far from his focus, but patients "seek me out" because they know he is "open" to prescribing Ivermectin for this disease due to the overwhelming supportive data from around the world. In his experience, Schmidt said Ivermectin has been "very effective if it's used in adequate dosages and early in the disease process."
Conclusion: Honey and Nigella (HNS) [black cumin seed or "black oil" seed] significantly improved symptoms, viral clearance and mortality in COVID-19 patients. Thus, HNS represents an affordable over the counter therapy and can either be used alone or in combination with other treatments to achieve potentiating effects against COVID-19.
We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.
Tearing apart the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in a society, separating them, is not medically or scientifically supportable.
These studies demonstrate what was and is already known: natural immunity for a SARS-type virus is robust, long-lasting, and broadly effective even in the case of mutations, generally more so than vaccines...The effort to pretend otherwise is a scientific scandal of the highest order, especially because the continued neglect of the topic is affecting the rights and freedoms of billions of people.
This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.
Based on medical data from Israel, the study shows that "the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated [compared to the recovered], and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher" according to Science Magazine. The article explained that the benefit of natural immunity also translated into fewer hospitalizations. [Vaccine-induced immunity patients] were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.
For the Delta variant, which is the dominant strain in the United States, the study found that 80 percent of the subjects still had immune protection 12 months after infection [superior to vaccine-induced immunity].
Conclusion: Individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from COVID-19 vaccination.
Natural immunity in unvaccinated individuals was shown to persist for up to nine months following the initial infection, which was as far out as researchers were able to study.
The results provide new insight into the length of protection following an initial infection among the unvaccinated population and could have important implications for vaccination guidelines and public health policy
Our analysis shows that a vaccine allergic reaction is the most likely cause for the symptoms and patient outcomes described for at least 13 of the 250 deaths reviewed in this work (5%), who in each case strongly reacted either shortly after receiving the injection or within the first 4 hours, and died between 30 minutes and 4 days later.
In 10 cases [out of 100], a causal relationship between vaccine and death was considered probable, in 26 cases as possible [36% is the possible vaccine-related death] and in 59 cases as unlikely.
At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days. The lack of a meaningful association between percentage population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases is further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated and have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated.
These findings suggest that vaccine breakthrough cases are preferentially caused by circulating antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants, and that symptomatic breakthrough infections may potentially transmit COVID-19 as efficiently as unvaccinated infections, regardless of the infecting lineage.
In plain English, people in the 65+ demographic are five times as likely to die from the inoculation as from COVID-19 under the most favorable assumptions! [It's even worse if you are younger]
From February to October 2021, vaccine effectiveness against infection declined from 87.9% to 48.1%, and the decline was greatest for the Janssen vaccine resulting in a vaccine effectiveness against infection of 13.1%.
Pericarditis: 1.8/100,000 Myocarditis: 1/100,000 Combined: 2.8/100,000
Vaccination was most strongly associated with an elevated risk of myocarditis (2.7 events per 100,000) as well as increased risks of lymphadenopathy [swelling or inflammation of lymph nodes], appendicitis, and herpes zoster infection.
Post-vaccination cardiac adverse event (CAE) rate was highest in young boys aged 12-15 following dose two. For boys 12-17 without medical comorbidities, the likelihood of post vaccination dose two CAE is 162.2 and 94.0/million respectively. This incidence exceeds their expected 120-day COVID-19 hospitalization rate at both moderate (August 21, 2021 rates) and high COVID-19 hospitalization incidence.
Daniels et al investigated rates of COVID-19 myocarditis among 1,597 athletes from 13 of the 14 Big Ten universities. They observed an overall prevalence of 2.3%, with 9 cases of clinical myocarditis and 28 cases of subclinical myocarditis, categorized based on the presence of cardiac symptoms and findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).
The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy. Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis and that cytokine storm has a known feedback loop with catecholamines may help guide screening and therapy.
Conclusions: These findings indicate that immunity against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 waned in all age groups a few months after receipt of the second dose of vaccine.
For every 100,000 people vaccinated with CoronaVac, an additional 4.8 people may develop Bell's palsy, for every 100,000 people vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, an additional two people may develop the condition.
The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.
We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.
These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.
In summary, we fail to find strong evidence supporting a role for more restrictive nonpharmaceutical interventions in the control of COVID in early 2020. We fail to find an additional benefit of stay-at-home orders and business closures. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less-restrictive interventions. Nonpharmaceutical interventions can also have harms, besides any questionable benefits, and the harms may be more prominent for some than for others. For example, school closures may have very serious harms, estimated at an equivalent of 5.5 million life years lost for children in the United States during the spring school closures alone.
In ~ 98% of the comparisons using 87 different regions of the world we found no evidence that the number of deaths is reduced by staying at home.
According to the literature found, there are clear, scientifically recorded adverse effects for the mask wearer, both on a psychological and on a social and physical level, including: increase in dead space volume, increase in breathing resistance, increase in blood carbon dioxide, decrease in blood oxygen saturation, increase in heart rate, decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity, feeling of exhaustion, increase in respiratory rate, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, feeling of dampness and heat, drowsiness (qualitative neurological deficits), decrease in empathy perception, impaired skin barrier function with acne, itching and skin lesions...
The CDC continues to ignore the fact that COVID-19 is primarily spread by aerosols (not droplets) making mask use mostly ineffective
CDC has issued harmful guidance for masking children that contradicts manufacturer's recommendations, world-wide standard practice and CDC's own guidance, and without appropriate risk-benefit analysis
Anyone can test positive for practically anything with PCR test, if you run it long enough... with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody... it doesn't tell you that you're sick.
You know, those guys have got an agenda... They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to. And they smugly, like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.
Incredibly, the Drosten test protocol, which he had already sent to WHO in Geneva on 17 January, was officially recommended by WHO as the worldwide test to determine presence of Wuhan coronavirus, even before the paper had been published.
Already an appeals court in Lisbon, Portugal ruled on 11 November that the PCR test of Drosten and WHO was not valid to detect coronavirus infection and that it was no basis to order nationwide or partial lockdowns.
Emergency Use Only approved RT PCRT tests were found by credible peer review by twenty two international experts to be 'useless' for detection of Sars CoV-2
Dr. Pieter Borger and his fellow scientific collaborators point out, "confirmed cases" is a nonsense number. The Borger report identifies what they call "ten fatal problems" in the Drosten paper [PCR test].
In case of virus detection, 35 cycles only detects signals which do not correlate with infectious virus as determined by isolation in cell culture; if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%
These are severe design errors, since the test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. The test cannot be used as a diagnostic for SARS-viruses.
The total number of American Citizens that died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is 48,465 according to hard data revealed in the Medicare Tracking System.
It's like if we were in Nazi Germany, and they were taking the Jews to go put them in a gas chamber... What I need is someone to help me save these people from being killed. Ok, from gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.
If this [PCR test] was a test being used for legal purposes, for forensic purposes, like DNA identity test, the judge would throw out this evidence... It produces positives even when there's no virus... What we should do is to stop mass testing.
I think the evidence is really strong that the duration of [natural] immunity will be multiple years and possible lifelong.
I believe the true infection fatality ratio of COVID 19, the true threat to life is the same as seasonal flu.
Dr. Maria Gonzales: Studies haven't probably been done because the government doesn't want to show that the darn vaccine is full of shit.
And now you got this guy in room four who got his second dose of vaccine on Tuesday, has been short of breath. He's got myocarditis... They [doctors] are not reporting because they want to shove it under the mat... I've seen dozens of people come in with an adverse reaction.
[How do you know blood clots are a result of the COVID vaccine?] Because this is a 15-year-old, normal weight, healthy child, no reason for him to have a blood clot!
Deanna Paris, RN: [Who's writing the VAERS report?] Nobody, because it takes over a half an hour to write the damn thing.
This is evil, this is evil... At the highest level you have FDA, CDC that are both supposed to be protecting us but they are under the government and everything that we've done so far is unscientific.
Her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.
Deborah pulls back the curtain on the complete lack and disregard in her hospital for reporting Covid vaccine injury to VAERS, this country's only mechanism to track the safety of these rushed-to-market, mandated products. In riveting detail, including emails & recorded phone conversations, Conrad exposes the internal push to turn a blind eye to injuries and "tow the company line" that this vaccine is safe. [video]
Almost all of them are vaccine recipients, almost exclusively. The range of deaths is heart attack, blood clots, strokes and multiple organ failure. These are the 4 consistent types of deaths I am seeing and it's all ages... I've never seen as many deaths.. It's around a 500 or 600% increase
All the clotting, bleeding and things you would expect from the vaccine six months later - brain bleeds, heart attacks in younger 50-year-olds. No doctor will admit this is from the vaccine. They won't make the VAERS report.
They [doctors] don't want to report that they're seeing 80 percent of the people in the ER are vaccinated, but only 40 percent of the county is vaccinated.
Why aren't they concerned about natural immunity? That should be their first concern. But they're not... How many people do you see come in that have had COVID before, and they're back in the ICU? It doesn't happen.
Seniors are dying like flies after COVID injections.
Nick Karl, scientist, Pfizer: So, your antibodies are probably better at that point [after you get the virus] than the vaccination.
Chris Croce, senior assoc. scientist, Pfizer: You're protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response... I still feel like I work for an evil corporation.
At least 80% of the ER patients in the past three months were double-vaxxed... How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative?
She said that throughout the entire time that the pandemic has been declared, she has only admitted two patients to the ICU that tested positive for COVID, but she has seen a striking uptick in patients who have been admitted with heart issues and do not fit risk categories. People coming with newly diagnosed high blood-pressure, diabetics that was controlled that are no longer controlled – their sugars are either through the roof or they're down in the ground... The only factor, constant that changed in their life was the injection of an experimental biologic.
When we were still using Hydroxychloroquine on our patients, we only lost two people a day from Covid. During the Delta wave, we had twice as many patients sick from the variant and we only saved 5 a day. And we couldn't use Hydroxychloroquine. Dealing with the delta variant was the worst thing I've ever seen.
Over half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission - suggesting that "vast numbers are being classed as hospitalized by COVID when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing".
Costello was recruited to promote the vaccines, so that more of his tribe would do the same. Just six days after Costello got his second shot, he suddenly passed away due to heart attack.
The principles of decision-making on my body are more important than any title, or anything else.
I'd rather miss the Olympics than take the vaccine... Don't let no one take away your choice.
I am not anti-vax, I am not anti-medicine, I am not anti-science... I'm not ashamed to say that I'm uncomfortable with taking the vaccine at this time.
Masks, Tests, Jabs, Digital health ID passes. Im exempt to all due to allergies. Im allergic to bullshit!
Dr. Jacob Puliyel: The world depends on 35% of those who are defiers - those who clearly see what is right and what is wrong. But they need to speak up, to protest, and to stand up for their ethical values. The future depends on you.[see The Milgram Shock experiment from 1961, video]